To: Hadean
UF President Kent Fuchs Wasn't there a post earlier by a Freeper who knew a guy named "Fuchs"?
2 posted on
10/16/2017 4:13:42 PM PDT by
(My comprehensive terrorism plan: Hunt them down and kill them)
To: Magnum44
it’s a German name I’ve heard before———what’s the big deal?
12 posted on
10/16/2017 4:22:58 PM PDT by
To: Magnum44
“UF President Kent Fuchs”
“Wasn’t there a post earlier by a Freeper who knew a guy named “Fuchs”?
“Fuchs” is actually Kent’s middle name, the last name is “Upp”.
To: Magnum44
Sometimes an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
To: Magnum44
K. Fuchs was the chief Soviet spy at the Manhattan Project (atomic bomb).
33 posted on
10/16/2017 5:01:05 PM PDT by
(Barack 0bama: Gone but not forgiven.)
To: Magnum44
Mr Fuchs hates white nationalism
How novel
39 posted on
10/16/2017 5:23:00 PM PDT by
(Virtue signalers should be shot on sight...conservative ones racked and hanged then fed to dogs) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson