If the old media outlets were honest brokers of information, your argument would carry more weight. However, they routinely pretend that leftist murderers are really conservatives. Their failure to do so with Paddock is therefore worth noting.
Voter registration and campaign contributions are easy to verify. Paddock had neither. Nobody has been able to find any social media activity. And to be honest, the MSM as been pretty evenhanded lately regarding the political leanings of killers. When James Hodgkinson shot up that GOP softball practice, CNN published an in-depth story profiling Hodgkinson's liberal affiliations and interests. When Omar Mateen committed his massacre at Pulse, it was widely reported he had sworn allegiance to ISIS.
This being said, Newsweek did publish an inflammatory, disgraceful op-ed piece charging that Paddock was representative of the typical white, male, Christian gun owner. It offered no research and seemed to have been written for no other reason than to piss people off.
I'm just not seeing where this guy was political. People are trying so hard to find some sort of political or religious conspiracy behind this, they're overlooking the obvious; Paddock was addicted to video poker to the point where this obsession drove him crazy.