Arthur, what is on the table is what we get. It can be tweaked, and I believer there are several places this should be tweaked.
None the less, if those tweaks take place, we’re okay.
It may not be the plan either of us wants, but it is a plan and it could be implemented in months.
I will accomplish pumping more money into the private sector, will spark economic activity, and will approach the doubling of the federal government’s tax receipts over a few short years.
My big concern right now is the federal debt. We have to start paying that down. This can get us to where we can.
I believe there is a tax form credit card being considered along with this.
BTW: I have advocated for small businesses to get the same 20% ceiling that corporations will be getting, if reports are accurate.
I have no problem that 20% going across the board.
Doc, I worked real hard getting my family in PA to go Trump. The fact is and I continuously tell them all you watch is negative news. Trump is doing all he can do.
Trust me Congress will fail on this tax issue I assure you.
The R house and Senate is failing our President monumentally and intentionally.