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To: fwdude


                          by Raquel M. Chanano

Many people will be surprised to discover that what has served and is 
serving as the basis for public school sex education (and is even being 
used in many Catholic schools) has its roots in scientific fraud. Most of 
this could be credited to one individual: Alfred C. Kinsey, with the help 
of his colleagues Wardell B. Pomeroy, Clyde E. Martin, and Paul Gebhard. 
Their research and studies have undoubtedly shaped current attitudes and 
perceptions concerning human sexuality. These perceptions have ultimately 
worked themselves into the current sex education programs. 

Over forty years ago, Alfred C. Kinsey was a professor of zoology at 
Indiana University (I.U.). Later he served as coordinator of new marriage 
courses that were established at I.U. During his involvement in these 
courses, he began to question students about their sex lives and offer 
advice in matters of sex and relationships. He simultaneously began 
compiling detailed documentation of several of these "sex histories" for 
his own personal interest. 

Alfred Kinsey considered animal sexual behavior as the model for human 
sexual behavior, the only difference being that animals act without 
inhibition and by instinct alone. However, various cultural conditions are 
imposed on human beings, according to Kinsey, that unjustly inhibit and 
even criminally prohibit "natural human sexual behavior." "Being involved 
in all types of sexual activity would represent freedom from the cultural 
conditioning which society imposes and which leads to artificial 
distinctions such as right and wrong, licit and illicit, normal and 
abnormal, acceptable and unacceptable in our social organization," Kinsey's 
Male Report (1948) states.[1] 

The most famous and widely used Kinseyan concept is the notion of the 
sexual outlets. This notion subscribes to the principle that there are six 
possible forms of sexual release, which are the following from the male 
perspective: masturbation, nocturnal emissions, heterosexual petting, 
heterosexual intercourse, homosexual relations, and intercourse with 
animals of other species.[2] 

Since all of these constitute sexual release, they are all equally 
acceptable and normal, according to Kinsey. In reference to sexual release, 
there is the concept that bisexuality is the most balanced of all sexual 
orientations, because it includes both heterosexual and homosexual 
activity. In Kinsey's own words, "biologically there is no form of outlet 
which I will admit as abnormal."[3] The problem, according to him, is that 
society was conditioned through traditional modes of thought to believe 
that heterosexual activity within marriage, especially, is both correct and 
the healthiest means of sexual expression. Kinsey strictly believed that 
all forms are healthy and that if any one form is abnormal and lesser, it 
is heterosexual intercourse.[4] 

One of the most worrisome of his concepts is that which justifies 
pedophiliac activity. Kinsey believed that children were predisposed to 
sexual activity from the moment of birth and that adult-child sex was 
included under the notion of a sexual outlet. Our social conditioning made 
it taboo, although it is actually a "normal" sexual behavior that should be 
practiced as well as pursued, Kinsey believed. He maintained that when done 
under circumstances where the adult genuinely cares for the child, as would 
a loving parent or relative, sex between an adult and a child could prove 
to be a healthy experience for the child. The results are unfavorable, 
Kinsey said, only when the child is conditioned by police authorities and 
parents to believe that such conduct is immoral and incorrect.[5] 

How does a scientist go about collecting evidence for such theories? One 
would like to believe that both ethical and scientifically sound research 
methods would be employed. Kinsey claimed that he wanted to conduct 
research that would be representative of American society. However, 
Kinsey's work and research was manipulated so that its results would be 
indicative of what he himself believed, without any real and tangible 
scientific support. According to Paul Robinson, one of Kinsey's 
biographers, Kinsey's work was designed to "undermine the traditional 
sexual order."[6] Kinsey had his own amoral agenda and hoped to use his 
research as the scientific base to "change society's traditional moral 

Kinsey's research included two main parts: he used data from the "sex 
histories" of about 18,000 persons, and he directed experimental sex 
research on several hundred children aged two months to almost 15 years of 
age. The information from the "sex histories" was not only manipulated, but 
most of his interviewees were not representative of society, because they 
were deliberately chosen (others volunteered) for their sexual deviancy. 
Though Kinsey wanted to document and expose what society was doing 
sexually, he only concentrated on one section of society -the deviant. A 
great number of the 5,300 male interviewees were sex offenders, pedophiles 
and exhibitionists, while about 25 percent of them were prison inmates. 
Many of those who volunteered were also biased in favor of the "sexually 

Kinsey himself and his team also observed and took notes on several filmed 
"experiments" that dealt with various kinds of deviant behavior, especially 
sex acts between homosexual males.[8]

The experimental research on several hundred children consisted of the 
molestation of these children by a group of nine persons. Some were 
"technically trained" and in reality acted like pedophiles. It is reported 
that some were indeed already pedophiles because not all had to be trained. 
In Kinsey's  (1948) it is reported that the children reacted 
to the oral and manual stimulation by these nine adults in various ways. 
The reactions ranged from bodily "twitching", "violent cries", "violent 
convulsions", and "extreme trembling", to "excruciating pain".[9] 

This was all done in order to supposedly demonstrate that children are 
sexual beings and can enjoy sexual pleasure as well as any adult. Kinsey 
sought to use these results to indicate that children are indeed able to 
engage in and benefit from sexual activity. There was no documentation as 
to who were those children or where they came from. How's that for 
scientific soundness? However, the relevant issue here is that Kinseyan 
concepts and perceptions on human sexuality, though deceitful and 
unscientific, have surfaced in sex education courses. 

It is clear that sex education has been oriented towards the direction 
Kinsey had envisioned for society. Due to the second part of his research, 
his unfounded assertions have made their way into sex education for 
children. Most of the professional sex educators are being taught the 
Kinseyan model of human sexuality. A number of materials on sex education 
have captured Kinseyan modes of thought to their curricula. Even the 
biggest and most influential organizations include and promulgate Kinseyan 
concepts within their educational efforts. 

Evidence of the correlation between Kinsey's theories and prominent 
educational agencies is abundant. One of the largest of these is the 
International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). Its publication, ), for the Western Hemisphere Region, states that sex education 
methods should facilitate the understanding that there is no one model of 
sexual behavior, but on the contrary, that there are diverse types of 
sexual behavior which are all acceptable and respectable.[10] The root of 
their sex education objectives are clearly embedded in Kinsey's views. What 
is more obvious is the fact that various remarks from both Kinsey and 
Pomeroy (his colleague) are stated in order to justify teaching the 
validity of diverse types of sexuality, the most prominent of which is 
homosexuality.[11] The Teaching of Human Sexuality in Schools (la Ensenanza 
de la Sexualidad Humana en las Escuelas) by IPPF, also states that young 
people should not be exposed to negative prevailing attitudes towards 
homosexuality so that they can develop "freely" and "normally."[12] 

Other organizations that follow Kinsey's lead are the United Nations 
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), its regional 
center of higher education for Latin America and the Caribbean CRESALC), 
Planned Parenthood of America, and the Sex Information and Education 
Council of the United States (SIECUS). UNESCO's publication, ) 
for first grade education, includes several cartoon-type figures claiming 
that children have the right to know their bodies. They proclaim the 
uselessness of guilt, prejudice, and social taboos. From seventh through 
ninth grade, students are taught that sexual relations can be constructive 
and pleasant experiences for both persons involved if both are open to 
having them freely, conscientiously, and if they are informed and 

The Regional Center of Higher Education for Latin America and the Caribbean 
(CRESALC), under the UNESCO-FNUAP umbrella, also dedicates much of its 
effort to similar educational instructions. In Diez Hechos Ciertos y  De 
Peso Acerca del Sexo (a Spanish translation of Ten Heavy Facts About Sex), 
a publication partly funded by CRESALC, students are informed that the 
enrichment of a relation is sex between two people, no matter who the two 
people are.[14] In other words, students are taught to believe that any type 
of sexual activity is both correct and naturally enriching. Ultimately, 
children learn that heterosexuality is but one of the many options 
available to them. In this manner they start to establish the premise that 
heterosexuality can be easily abandoned. It is the creation of a 
"heterophobic" society, which Kinsey obviously aimed for through his 
research. This term, as of yet, has not worked its way into American 
mainstream society as the term "homophobic" has. (Homophobia is used to 
describe the unfounded fear and discomfort which some people or a 
particular culture supposedly have toward homosexuals.) Once all of 
Kinsey's ideas are in place, society will come to fear and be wary of 
heterosexuals, while the sexual deviations will be seen as the norm. 

Two of the main promoters in the U.S., where Kinsey's ideas are concerned, 
are the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and SIECUS (Sex 
Information and Education Council of the United States). Planned 
Parenthood, by far the more prominent, founded by Margaret Sanger, is a 
model of Kinseyan thought. Kinsey was simply following in the footsteps of 
Sanger, who once claimed that "the marriage bed is the most degrading 
influence of the sexual order . . . a decadent institution, a reactionary 
development of the sex instinct."[15] SIECUS, under the leadership of Dr. 
Mary S. Calderone, formerly medical director for the Planned Parenthood 
Federation of America, has also been making continuous strides in relation 
to sex education for children, based on the Kinseyan philosophy. For 
example, the promotion of the "acceptance of the wide range of possible 
expressions of sexuality," was affirmed in a January 1980 SIECUS Report.[16] 

But where Kinseyan philosophy is most noticeable is in SIECUS's attempts at 
teaching childhood sexuality. By 1983 Mary Calderone was writing that the 
child's sexual capacities could "be developed in the same way as the 
child's inborn human capacity to talk or to walk . . "[17] It is amazing how 
society is now working towards indoctrinating children in matters of 
sexuality at an early age: Planned Parenthood's Sex Education and Mental 
Health Report (1979), states that "no religious views, no moral standards, 
are to deflect the child from the overriding purposes of self-discovery, 
self-assertion, and selfgratification."[18] Children, especially teenagers, 
are learning in sex education courses patterned after Kinsey, that all sex 
is good in an of itself and that it is fun. They are being taught to 
believe they have the right and that it is for their well-being that they 
enter into any type of sexual activity at an early age, even with adults. 
Many sex educators have joined the bandwagon, without any slight hint of 
hesitation. It is no wonder that young people are engaging in promiscuous 
sexual activity, now more than ever, with the resulting rise of venereal 
diseases, illegitimate pregnancies, abortion, AIDS, etc. It is obviously a 
cause-and-effect scenario, and our society is clearly reaping the fruits 
from this type of mentality. 

What is extremely difficult to believe is that our society seems to be on 
the verge of accepting pedophilia as an orientation within the sex 
spectrum. This particular issue is where the ties to Kinsey's research can 
be fully attested. In an article, Joan A. Nelson, Ed.D., writes in favor of 
a model of adult-child sexuality in which sex acts with children are to be 
viewed as acceptable and even essential to the healthy development of the 
child. What Dr. Nelson views as the harmful agent is "society's 
condemnation," rather than the effects of such grotesque and immoral acts 
on young children.[19] Also, Wardell Pomeroy (Kinsey's colleague) of Planned 
Parenthood, once stated that "incest between adults and younger children 
can also prove to be a satisfying experience. Incestuous relationships can- 
and do-work out well."[20] This is exactly what Kinsey believed! A variety of 
materials from Alyson Publications, which consist mostly of pro-homosexual 
literature, includes a new series of books that attempt to justify 
pedophilia and render its perpetrators respectable. "They promote children 
as objects of sexual pleasure, give advice on how to have sex with children 
without getting caught, provide locations around the world were child 
prostitutes can be had, and list clubs pedophiles can join..."[21] Now that 
academic sexology accepts children as sexual beings and many strides are 
being taken to legitimize child-adult sex, we can see the acceptance of 
pedophilia as an orientation on the horizon. It is only a matter of time 
before we will find other scientists, sex educators, and publishing 
companies, sympathizing with the pro-pedophilia effort. We owe this largely 
to the work and effort of Alfred C. Kinsey! 

The traditional, Christian moral values that once prevailed are undoubtedly 
under attack. The endeavor appears to be one on which some of the most 
influential sectors of society have embarked. Kinsey himself was motivated 
to change society's perception of human sexuality by his disgust towards 
the Judeo-Christian tradition. "Kinsey knew a great deal about the Judeo-
Christian tradition, and he was indignant about what it had done to our 
culture," says Pomeroy.[22] 

IPPF's manual Human Sexuality and Personal Relations states that a more 
positive view of human sexuality, free of preconceived moral and religious 
taboos, should be integrated.[23] And "SIECUS' idea of current needs in sex 
education has led to the basic conflict . . . about the nature of human 
sexuality in a civilized society and whether traditional Judeo-Christian 
beliefs about sexuality are repressive and unhealthy."[24] 

Alfred C. Kinsey had opened an avenue of abuse and deceit within the study 
of human sexuality and sex education; we are witnesses to the continuous 
expansion of this avenue. 

Raquel M. Chaviano is a summer intern at HLI and is a junior at Florida 
International University, majoring in Religious Studies. 

HLI has available the book on which this article was based, Kinsey, Sex and 
Fraud, by Reisman and Eichel. Call 1-800-749-4009. 


1 Judith A. Reisman and Edward W. Eichel, , (Lochinvar Inc., 1990), pp. 6-8. 

2 Alfred C. Kinsey, Wardell B. Pomeroy, Clyde E. Martin,  (W.B. Saunders Company, 1948), 193. Cited hereafter as 

3 Wardell B. Pomeroy,  
(Harper and Row, 1972), 77. 

4 Reisman and Eichel, p. 45

5 Ibid., p. 3 and 130. 

6 Ibid., p. 7, quoted from Paul Robinson,  (New 
York: Harper & Row, 1976). 

7 Reisman and Eichel, p. 8. 

8 Ibid, p. 49. 

9 Kinsey, Pomeroy, Martin, , pp. 160-161. 

10 International Planned Parenthood Federation,  (New York, 1983), 54. 

11  Ibid, pp. 252-253, 257. 

12 Ibid pp. 252-253, 257. 

13 Republica Dominicana, Secretaria de Estado de Educacion, Bellas Artes y 
Cultos,  . Cresalc-Unesco, Apartado Postal 62090, Caracas 
1060 A, Venezuela. 

14 Asociacion Guatemalteca de Educacion Sexual (AGES) y CRESALC. Ten Heavy 
Facts About Sex, The Institute for Family Research and Education, 1979. 

15 Robert Marshall and Charles Donovan, , p. 7, 
quoted from  by Margaret Sanger (State University of New York at 
Stonybrook, 1976). 

16 Reisman and Eichel, p. 123. 

17 Ibid, p. 128, taken from SIECUS Report, May-July 1983, p. 9. 

18 Brian Clowes, , v. II c. 67-6, quoted 
from Planned Parenthood Sex Education and Mental Health Report, 1979. 

19 Reisman and Eichel, p. 207, taken from Joan A. Nelson, 
"Intergenerational Sexual Contact: A Continuum Model of Participants and 
Experience,"  15 (1989) 3-12. 

20 Brian Clowes, , v.II C. 678, quoted from Wardell B. 
Pomeroy, "A New Look at Incest," , November 1976, pp. 84-

21 "Who publishes those pro-gay kids' books?" , February 
1993: 2. 

22 Pomeroy, , p. 30. 

23 IPPF, , p. 34. 

24 Reisman and Eichel, p. 123.  

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14 posted on 09/22/2017 11:57:42 AM PDT by E. Pluribus Unum (<img src="" width=800>)
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To: E. Pluribus Unum

“What is extremely difficult to believe is that our society seems to be on the verge of accepting pedophilia as an orientation within the sex spectrum. This particular issue is where the ties to Kinsey’s research can be fully attested. In an article, Joan A. Nelson, Ed.D., writes in favor of a model of adult-child sexuality in which sex acts with children are to be viewed as acceptable and even essential to the healthy development of the child. “

This biotch needs to be rubbed out!

27 posted on 09/22/2017 12:58:44 PM PDT by SgtHooper (If you remember the 60's, YOU WEREN'T THERE!)
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To: E. Pluribus Unum

Thanks for posting that. I have seen some of his work before. John Money is another of the same ilk. That sexual deviant disguised his obsession as “research” and ruined the lives of many children including the Canadian Reimer twins.

Any adult who gets aroused by a pre pubescent child is a pervert and if that adult acts on that arousal they become a predator. There are no exceptions.

Once puberty takes over, it becomes a moral issue. The child can most definitely still be harmed and should be left alone until they reach a level of maturity that allows them to make informed decisions. For many, I’d say that is into their 20’s, but it wasn’t that many decades ago that girls regularly married and had children while still in their teens, so I see both sides of that argument.

51 posted on 09/24/2017 11:59:49 AM PDT by mom of young patriots
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