But that pig has failed to explain why Tokyo,a city big enough to make London,Paris and New York look like country villages by comparison,has *never* had a moslem terror attack.
I know it's widely reported that he said something along those lines but the truth is he never did. Here is the quote of what he did say and if you are still interested you can find videos of him actually saying this on Youtube while all you can find about what you said is from people who claim he said it. Nobody has audio or video of him saying terrorism was the price you pay for living in a big city. Here is the quote:
Im not going to speculate as to how the police in New York should react. What I do know is part and parcel of living in a great global city is you gotta be prepared for these things, you gotta be vigilant, you gotta support the police doing an incredibly hard job, you gotta support the security services. And I think speculating when you dont know the facts, is unwise.