You don't believe that not knowing your your exact position on the globe prevents your radar from seeing a ship that big, do you? Is not knowing your position something that would keep someone from looking out of the window? Do you think that some alarm wouldn't be triggered if the GPS disagreed with the inertial guidance by a worrisome factor? Do you even think that the GPS gives our ships the location of other ships?
In short, something else is entirely amiss. I hope it is not just gross incompetence, but it does look that way to me. Even if those ships are deliberately ramming ours ... the destroyers are fast and nimble. There is no way a freighter or a taker could hit one without poking out the eyes of everyone on our ship.
My concern is more that a GPS guided weapon, whether a smart bomb, a cruise missile, or an incoming ICBM warhead could already be systematically diverted away from its target.
No one to look out the window on any of those platforms...