After all they’ve said and done, Trump’s support is still just as strong and probably increasing. They must be terrified, eh?
Maybe, maybe not. Waking up and watching F&F this morning, I watched Lee Carter's instant on-line polls measured during a Trump speech. I was looking forward to the usual Republican and independent response scroll into very positive A, B territory and the Democrat response move into C, D, F range. I was shocked to see the independent line move downward along with the Democrat line for all three clips shown. I have to believe that the constant anti-trump and fake media news is having an effect not on his base but on independents that voted for him. The latter is looking, as we all are, for results which have not been forthcoming. The "softness" of the latter's response signals that the President's agenda, as we know, is not succeeding as measured by Congressional action.
However, not highlighted by the administration so far are his successes which include deregulation and a reduction if not the stopping of the creeping socialism from the imbedded Deep State bureaucrats in DC. These have to be touted in future rallies along with the Democrat failures to support his economic agenda and its time for him move on from Charlottesville to rouse support for implementation of the promises for which he was was elected.