Good move. The left destroys everything it touches.
Sounds like the honor recipients need to receive a little street demonstration distraction to show them that all the flack doesn’t just come from the left.
I would not go where I wasn’t wanted. The only way I would attend is if someone held a gun on me.
Why not honor American creative artists that love and promote American values? Why dole out awards to lefties who spew hatred of traditional American values?
The filth from the left to be honored. Why would anyone with a sense of decency want to attend? It’s a demrat event.
These awards have increasingly become below the dignity of the Office of President. Thankfully, it’s over. More winning for the USA!
Good move. These self-aggrandizing no-talents need to be ignored as they pat themselves on the back.
Polite way of say, “No, Thanks.”
Watching a bunch of left-wingers self aggrandizing is no way to spend an evening.
I would rather DJT and the First Lady instead honor the same number of normal Americans in place of the pampered nobodies. Small business employers who didn’t abandon when the competition heated up, students who volunteer in service of recovering vets, people who DO things, instead of people who pretend to do things (entertainers). Invite Americans to the WH, feed them, pamper them, fawn over them, encourage them and thank them.
I wouldn’t darken the door of any place named after a Kennedy.
Majority of nation could not care any less about this garbage. Trump should come out and say:
“I’ll let the pampered elite of the entertainment class pat each other on the back. Most of them, long ago, lost sight of what the American people struggle with.”
Good! He should hold another rally so he can piss the media off. Take away from some of the Kennedy Center media
Hold a Trump rally in dpowntown DC.
Attend things that matter, Mr President. People and groups that are kind and loving and supportive
There are millions of us out there. You don’t need the “entertainment” hypocrites who want to “lecture” on subjects they couldn’t even pass kindergarten on
My husband is a friend of Carmen’s. He’s going to be disappointed in this move of hers...
Rude, rude, rude.
I guess this is kind of like the White House Correspondents Dinner...but it also reeks of some in his inner circle trying to pressure him.
I know Trump is his own man, but is this a good call?
just asking.
Skip the telecast as well...just as bad as the “Oscar show”
He is wise to skip it. It would be a televised spectacle of a President being booed.
Hope he does a Trump rally that night.