The show was magnificently choreographed by the Left and the naive Nazis played the role intended for them . Now the MSM need only connect Trump to the Nazis and the narrative is set.
The Goose-stepping Morons got played like a fiddle and got their asses kicked in the process.
‘Now the MSM need only connect Trump to the Nazis and the narrative is set.’
that ship has already sailed; and those who voted for Trump are being thrown into the brig along with him...
the obliteration of’wrong-thinking’ white men is full steam ahead...
How certain are you that the “Nazis” you rail against were not ANTIFA thugs in costume? ANTIFA thugs have impersonated Nazi thugs before in false flag attempts to paint patriotic Americans as racist pukes. They did it to the Tea Party rallies with the GOPe cheerleading them on. Don’t be such a naive dipstick.