Trump himself ruled that out in November. See post #26. Maybe people need to stop trashing Sessions for a decision made by Trump, or show us where Trump changed his decision.
For quite a while I had been hoping that since he recused himself from the Russia investigation, behind the scenes Sessions was readying investigations/charges for Hildabeast et al...
Trump himself ruled that out in November. See post #26. Maybe people need to stop trashing Sessions for a decision made by Trump, or show us where Trump changed his decision.
Wow...Maybe instead of saying PEOPLE when you mean ME just say “you”...sheesh!
1. What Trump said in November immediately following the election and what has transpired since may have changed President Trump’s mind...I sure hope so—and he needn’t telegraph that publicly.
2. I am not trashing Sessions because he did not go after Clinton.
3. I am very disappointed in Sessions because he is not doing anything productive nor supportive of the Trump agenda IMHO...His initiatives as far as we can tell when he is not in the witness protection program:
~~Increasing asset forfeiture?
~~Praising Acting US Attorney in Las Vegas, Steven Myhre, leading the prosecution of 19 men accused in the Bunkerville Standoff near Bundy Ranch-April 2014??
DARE? At best it was ineffective, and some folks I know felt that it actually increased drug use through knowledge of all the drugs, etc.
I am conflicted about the legalization of marijuana; however, regardless of my feelings, marijuana is becoming legal in many states, and perhaps it should as the war on drugs has been a cash sucking freedom sucking dismal failure.
I don’t see how increasing asset forfeiture is Constitutional or advances liberty.
Nor do I see how praising the prosecutor in the Bundy case advances liberty...Sessions did not have to weigh in...he chose to. He sided with big government.
I will, However, Trash sessions because he did not discuss his recusal with President Trump. He should have—at minimum it would have been a professional courtesy. Trump is in this pickle in large part because of the actions of Sessions.
So yeah, I am going to wholeheartedly trash Sessions for that!