We are not checking on individual occurrences, but for ALLl of the details to be be in alignment. This has never happened before: Not 11 stars, not just the moon, or just the sun, or the moon + sun.
12 prominent “stars” in Leo above the woman (Virgo)
The moon at her feet
Clothed with the sun
Jupiter in the womb area for a long gestation peiod
Happening of the ext Jewish feast Day
Happening in the year 5777
Happening on a Jubilee year
Happening 69/70 years after UN establishment of the Jewish state
Happening one jubilee (50 years) after the retaking of Jerusalem
Happening 100 years after Belfour Declaration and cessation of Ottoman control
God did mention using the stars as signs in Gen. 1:14 “. . . let them serve as signs to mark sacred times . . .”(NIV)
A number of critics have offered rebuttals of the purported sign arguing that the sign is not unique or is only astrology. Critics include Answers in Genesis author Dr. Danny Faulkner[24], famous Christian author Joel Richardson[25], and Jan Markell from Olive Tree Ministries.[26]
Dr. Faulkner mentions[27] several specific points of contention including:
“...Jupiter appears in the part of Virgo corresponding to her womb, along with the sun in Virgo and the moon at her feet for a day or two every 12 years or so.”
“Since the claim that Leo has nine stars is false, the assertion that the addition of the three planets brings the total number of stars in Leo to 12 is false too.”
“And how do we know that Jupiter must represent the child? There is no evidence for that either.”
“These sorts of claims amount to Rorschach testspeople tend to see in them what they want to see.”
“This year, with the huge popularity of YouTube, it is much easier to propagate these ideas.”(from wiki links.
Leo has many stars in it but if you want to argue that we are talking about the main sequence point stars that make up the “lines of leo” most of them are Binary stars hence many more than 9 stars. Safer to believe John actually saw a sign or vision of a real woman giving birth, crying out during her travail...
Now we do have world events that are occurring that tell us that Christ is coming soon. Israel is again a nation. Matthew 24-25 speaks of a real sign that all will see ...that is the “sign of the coming of the Son of Man”. So I am a great believer of signs...not fortune telling by means of the stars!
As for the markings of times and seasons yes...but we are warned about using the stars as fortune telling devices...they are announcers of times perhaps but not the predictors of times!
One other warning about timeline symmetries....God told Abraham it would be 400 years before Israel would emerge from Egypt, once she went. It was actually about 480 years(years of 360 days with corrections thrown in periodically to bring the months back in line with the stars) since Moses was 80 years or so old when Moses came out of Egypt. Was God wrong? It depends if you see the Birth of Moses as the end of the 400 years and the beginning of God’s actions to bring Israel out of bondage. Israel was in Egypt 400 years but she wasn’t free’d until Moses’ 80th year...yet Moses was born at the 400th year. So hence my warning to you about citing dates and alignments....they could only be signs of the “beginnings” of God’s actions but not necessarily the completion of them!
Now I believe that there will be a 7 year period of horror the likes of which Earth has never seen. Yet even the Bible states that it would be cut short for the elect’s sake...now does that mean 7 years “minus” an unspecified time...or does it mean 7 years but if things continued beyond 7 years, all life on Earth would cease...”hence those days were cut short” (at the precise 7 year mark) lest all life would be ended after that 7 year mark?
That is why date setting from clues in the Bible doesn’t get us to when the “final final” will occur!