Wow.I’m a conservative woman that’s a lot smarter than the guys around me. I don’t agree with you.
Even when ‘women’s suffrage’ was initially an issue, there were women who were alone, and didn’t have a man to look out for their interests - those who had lost their husbands, never had husbands, all kinds of situations.
Those women needed and deserved the right to exercise some power over their practical lives, and to try and effect positive results for the futures of themselves and their children within society.
Miss M. is concerned with what female ‘suffrage’ has come to - millions of women who are ignorant of political philosophy, and just vote upon their ‘feelings’.
I understand her point; but I believe that, like so many other issues we are facing today, it comes down to education.
Women should definitely be allowed to vote, because many of them have done the work to become educated, and vote with considered intellectual conscience - as I’m sure Miss M. does, if she votes at all.
But even many men vote very stupidly today, because THEY are brainwashed and devoid of any comprehensive intellectual grasp of political philosophy. In fact, I know more men who actually go out to vote, than women who do.
Everything will sift out, eventually.