From CNN:
“Five months into Donald Trump’s presidency, White House-media relations are hanging by a thread.”
What media relations are CNN referring?
CNN has not said what relations, I wonder why.
I got a knife!
Cut the hanging thread.
It’s a hang-nail.
From CNN:
Five months into Donald Trumps presidency, White House-media relations are hanging by a thread.
CNN has always full out opposed President Trump. If they want any kind of “relations” they need to apologize and promise to be nice. That goes for nearly all of the Establishment media.
I can only assume CNN wants to continue the sort of "relations" with the White House press corps that a bull has with a cow...
And Trump is having none of that, so CNN is having a cow!
Trump administration-media relations... They have a relationship like I had with Stephanie Swathmore, senior class hottie. I worshiped the ground that she walked on, and she had no clue that I existed. In other words, there was no relationship whatsoever. If Trump wants to muck with that relationship, I say rock on, dude.
How much more can they do to Trump?