“A gunman believed to be a supporter of former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders....”
I hope the Congressman recovers.
But I cannot contain my level of ire at the opening line to this story - BELIEVED to be a supporter of Bernie? Did the author and this crappy news station not SEE the perp’s facebook page?
Careful, Deep State PLANTS stories, photos, fakes, on social media to throw investigators and public viewers off.
Bombs are often set off to divert police, fire away from an area where a real crime is executed.
Decoys, fakes, diversions, smokescreens, are all part of scripts written to carry out these operations.
They want us to think this was a lone nut who was a Bernie supporter.
‘Reality Winner’ NSA leaker was also a ‘Bernie supporter’.
We can’t be sure of anything we see. The only thing we can be sure of is who benefits.
I do not immediately jump on a news feed and accept it as accurate or even close to the truth of a matter.
The shooter is now dead; how convenient.