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To: itsahoot
Grassley mentioned it about three weeks ago. Not quite as definite as Comey, but pretty clear.

But you are right. Even the Senators that were sort of shocked (Rubio for example) showed tepid concern about the public being willfully kept in the dark, with the senate and House agreement.

Once you realize that the House and Senate are complicit with, in collusion with the FBI to keep the public in the dark, it makes sense that they are not going to be critical of keeping the public in the dark.

Congress is in collusion with the FBI and the press in gas-lighting the public.

60 posted on 06/09/2017 7:44:14 PM PDT by Cboldt
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To: Cboldt
Congress is in collusion with the FBI and the press in gas-lighting the public.

And impeding all things Trump except baseless investigations. Rush also emphasis the point that the MSM had access to the same info yet continued on with the same baseless lie. Rapidly switching from Collusion to Obstruction.

I saw a montage of talking heads state for a fact that Comey's testimony proved for a fact that Trump is guilty of obstruction. I haven't heard Judge Napolitano today but he was heaping praise on Comey yesterday and predicting more doom for Trump. That is a big change in his past statements wonder what or who changed him, because surely he couldn't find anything criminal to pin on Trump in that kabuki theater performance. Comey yes, Trump no way.

76 posted on 06/10/2017 12:15:39 PM PDT by itsahoot (As long as there is money to be divided, there will be division.)
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