I married two wonderful women.
Exposure to me didn’t seem to improve them.
My first was to a wannabee nun. she should have gone to convent because she was worthless as a wife. Not holy or fun...but clearly a novice.
Couldn't leave her mother.
My second wife was a sophisticated lesbian who sought me as a vehicle to the easy suburban NYC life.
I would travel and make lots of money...and she would do whatever lying lesbians who seek the easy convention life do.
I thought my second wife was my best friend for many years during and after our marriage.
But then I learned she was a lesbian who had entered into the marital contract dishonestly.
She lied to me about everything.
Fine family...lying daughter.
At long last, I am free of that beatch.
Amazing how the truth does set you free.
“I’d rather have two girls at twenty one each than one girl at forty two’’.- W.C. Fields.