“The girl had informed a dean at the school that she believed Corey had played the recording for his friends....”
If that is accurate, Corey violated the law and the girl was fully within her right to inform the school of Cory’s alleged actions.
If the girl made a mistake, it was only that she did not go to the police instead of the school officials.
As for Corey, he made his choices.
If the girl made a mistake, it was only that she did not go to the police instead of the school officials.
Oh, that’s all she did that was wrong, huh?
How about sleeping around and allowing her partner to record the deed? Disgusting.
The idea that a child can create child porn by filming themselves is simply ludicrous. This is kind of like saying if you have a security camera in your house and your teen-ager walks through the living room naked that you’ve created child porn. We all know why laws about child porn were created and it has NOTHING to do with these situations.