How many more people need to die in the name of liberalism?
The U.K. liberals will probably take a lesson from this and learn to be more tolerant of Moose Limbs by letting more in and not going to concerts anymore. Dressing Moose Limb style and giving up their old culture.
How many more people need to die in the name of liberalism?
>How many more people need to die in the name of liberalism?
All that do not convert to islam and bend over for the horny male porking. It really is that simple.
Kill every male following islam and try it again.
This is horrific.
Leftists just yawned when Israeli school children were attacked. They might not give a darn about ‘other’ people, but we conservatives care about ALL innocent life.
My mother wept a lot over just hearing it on the radio. I want those terrorists TORTURED — I mean really tortured. But then, like Trump said, they’re going to be in hell for a long, long time. So I pity them too.