After what he’s done to the dog I would enjoy watching his head explode from a hollow point at close range.
What, exactly did he do to the dog other than kill it?
Really, I want to know what you think the shooter or shooters did other than kill the dog. Is there evidence that they tortured It?
I have not seen it or read it anywhere.
I am open to being corrected.
I guess the got their rocks off killing the dog, according to the report anyhow. Added to that they recorded themselves doing it, and then posted it on social media. What reason could they possibly have to do that, do they give any explanation?
When someone like you CANNOT see the truth than there's NO sense in explaining what you're unable to comprehend.
The dog belonged to her *husband*, and she and her partner in adultery did this and posted it to torture the soon-be-ex-husband.