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This is the comment I left on the article. I ranted in a quick way and I may have come off a bit unreasonable, but it pushed the wrong buttons on me and I just got if off my chest. I know there are some here who may even agree with this idiot, but then again we would also disagree.


You sir are not a good conservative and I seriously doubt your even a good Christian. I have not read such biased anti-conservative opinionated tripe since I last read a story by NPR. Maybe you should watch FOX news for a change. I supported Ted Cruz and he had as much air time on FOX as Trump did. I doubt seriously you even watch Fox.

I have my problems with FOX news, but they have more conservatives than the rest of the network and cable news shows who all worship at the alter of socialism. Yet your assessment of the problems are not the problems, you attack FOX for not being moderate enough, or not having enough liberals. God knows we do NOT need more moderate mugwamps slapping each other on the backs as they ignore the truth, and trash the American way.

As part of your hatred for FOX is that the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York is investigating FOX and their sexual harassment troubles. Well gee, it began under Obama and we all know what the US Attorney Generals office was like under him don't we. You come off like a clueless liberal. O'Reilly denies the accusations as does Hannity who also is being targeted. Fox settled, not O'Reilly. If you knew what you were talking about you would know that there is a concerted effort to bring FOX down. Not just FOX, but conservative talk hosts and Christian ones as well. Oh you lean into the truth a bit, but it's all overshadowed by your leftists hatred for FOX.

By the way, if you think Williams is a logical journalist, I'm sorry, he supports and defends some of the most leftist stances one can imagine. Sorry, any one who claims to be a Christian but supports abortion is not a logical individual. Especially when leftists like Williams who claims to be a conservative says things like, "I am against abortion, but who am I to stop others from murdering babies?". Just one of the millions of things wrong with Williams thinking.

As for Playing Up Politics as Entertainment, excuse me? I want conservatives to take Liberals to task and they are not gotcha moments, they are moments of revealing what a leftist is all about. Allowing leftists to get away with their lies is not what journalism is all about. Journalism is catching and exposing the lies that people propagate as truth. Jesus used the gotcha trick quite often. If you think not, then maybe you should read how he treated those who wanted to stone the woman caught in adultery.

One last comment. The race issue, it was fabricated by the left. While there are shootings that are wrong, more white men have been shot and killed by the police than black men. The protests over the blacks shot were thugs, a few weren't, but by and large the most were. To defend the anger over the shootings, and accuse FOX contributors and pundits for lacking compassion id pure unadulterated hog wash. The left defended thugs and attacked police. So much so that innocent officers are still being assassinated for a lie. You defend that which is indefensible. Shame on you for defending the lies propagated by the race-baiting socialist misfits that only wish to tear down this country. And you call your self a conservative Christian?

Wow, I think you need to open your eyes to the problem in this country, and it begins with so-called conservatives like you.

1 posted on 04/25/2017 9:05:07 PM PDT by OneVike
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To: OneVike
Back in 2011, Fox and Friends began an unusual feature for a morning variety show— every week,...

F&F gave Trump 10 minutes, once a week? Well, gee! NBC gave Trump an hour a week on "The Apprentice"! Were they pushing Trump, also! What a douche this writer is!

53 posted on 04/26/2017 3:13:04 AM PDT by Road Warrior ‘04 (Molon Labe! (Oathkeeper))
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To: OneVike

I despise propaganda. I HATE propaganda even more when it is delivered under the “Christian” name.

57 posted on 04/26/2017 4:25:35 AM PDT by TTFlyer
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To: OneVike
5. Playing Up Politics as Entertainment—at the Expense of Substance
Contrary to popular opinion, that unfortunately is what journalism is.

The dicta of journalism are, “If it bleeds, it leads” and “'Man Bites Dog’ not ‘Dog Bites Man.’” And also, “Always make your deadline.” Those are commercial, not philosophical, considerations. Following those dictates is necessary to attract and maintain an audience.

“Man Bites Dog” never happens in real life; if the newspaper says it did, you should consider the possibility that the reporter might be making it up. And and also that he is just not mentioning the million times the dog bites the man.

Journalism is entertainment. But journalism claims to be objective, knowing that in fact it is negative. And yet, claiming that negativity is objectivity is pretty much a spot-on definition of cynicism.

Journalism is negativecynical about society, about the people and institutions which make the country work. But journalism considers itself the pilot fish of government, and never criticizes government for what it does - only for what it does not do. Journalism systematically sets itself - and the government, of which it considers itself the leader - up as a tin god. This is the natural “ideology” of journalism.

4. Lack of Ideological Diversity, Especially on Hot Topics Like Race Relations
All other news outlets lack ideological diversity because they always adhere to “Man Bites Dog." That would be counter to the narrative of all so-called “objective” journalism.
SOME writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness POSITIVELY by uniting our affections, the latter NEGATIVELY by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher.

Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one: for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries BY A GOVERNMENT, which we might expect in a country WITHOUT GOVERNMENT, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer. Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence; the palaces of kings are built upon the ruins of the bowers of paradise. For were the impulses of conscience clear, uniform and irresistibly obeyed, man would need no other lawgiver; but that not being the case, he finds it necessary to surrender up a part of his property to furnish means for the protection of the rest; and this he is induced to do by the same prudence which in every other case advises him, out of two evils to choose the least. Wherefore, security being the true design and end of government, it unanswerably follows that whatever form thereof appears most likely to ensure it to us, with the least expense and greatest benefit, is preferable to all others. - Thomas Paine, Common Sense (1776)

Journalists, like all “liberals,” are the " writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them."

58 posted on 04/26/2017 5:19:26 AM PDT by conservatism_IS_compassion (The idea around which ‘liberalism’ coheres is that NOTHING ACTUALLY MATTERS except PR.)
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To: OneVike

The key to an article like this is to find the word “centrism” and find out how the author defines it. He places Juan Williams near the Centrist line, so he must be writing from the Left. Once you know a person’s “centrist line”, you know everything about their ideology.

61 posted on 04/26/2017 5:29:42 AM PDT by Bryanw92 (If we had some ham, we could have ham and eggs, if we had some eggs.)
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To: OneVike

Glad you got that in. I tried to comment but the comment section seems to be turned off now.

Fact is 1st question of the 1st GOP debate was designed by Fox to derail Trump by Having Megan Kelly ask an utterly absurd “gotcha” question designed to enmesh Trump in the Dems primary campaign meme of “GOP War on Women”. It was a question that might as well been written by the DNC. It was an absurd shameful joke of a question. Millions of Americans saw it for what it was and it was the start of the end for Kelly at Fox. Prior to that she was starting to beat BOR as top watched show on Fox, after that she faded into obscurity.

64 posted on 04/26/2017 5:38:27 AM PDT by MNJohnnie ("The political class is a bureaucracy designed to perpetuate itself" Rush Limbaugh)
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To: OneVike

Bravo. Thank you for saving me the time of writing this douchenozzle.

66 posted on 04/26/2017 6:00:13 AM PDT by LS ("Castles Made of Sand, Fall in the Sea . . . Eventually" (Hendrix))
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To: OneVike

Thanks OneVike. Well-stated.

69 posted on 04/26/2017 7:05:51 AM PDT by PGalt
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To: OneVike

You comment was very good. He is not a conservative, he may think he is, but RINO at best. Distorts much of what happened during the election. Another who thinks he gets it, but absolutely does not.

71 posted on 04/26/2017 7:10:38 AM PDT by Tammy8 (Please be a regular supporter of Free Republic !)
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To: OneVike

VERY good job, One Vike

73 posted on 04/26/2017 8:40:19 AM PDT by stephenjohnbanker (My Batting Average( 1,000) since Nov 2014 (GOPe is that easy to read))
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To: OneVike
The first three I would agree with.

That being said, I gave up on Fox being "Conservative" 5 yes ago.

Yes they have Conservatives but they have about as many Libs.

OAN is about the only truly "Conservative voice out there.

76 posted on 04/26/2017 9:53:51 AM PDT by Eagles6 (My weapons are lubricated by liberal tears.)
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To: OneVike

1) Lefty/Democrat Rupert son James Murdoch is now in full control of FNC.

Beyond that sad fact, little else needs to be said.

77 posted on 04/26/2017 10:02:13 AM PDT by citizen (To hold with the #MSM description used by @POTUS, I am using #OppoMedia to refer to our biased media)
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To: OneVike

This article reeks of NeverTrumpism.

78 posted on 04/26/2017 10:40:57 AM PDT by Albion Wilde ("We will be one people, under one God, saluting one American flag." --Donald Trump)
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To: OneVike

Orielly talked tough about bj and the klintons but, then he met him at a party he folded like a cheap camera. Same thing about hitlary, how he would make sure she didn’t get elected then nothing.

79 posted on 04/26/2017 10:42:16 AM PDT by longfellow (Bill Maher, the 21st hijacker.)
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To: OneVike
Is Shepard another left wing nutty Christian? What a pile of steaming crap. If anything FNC was entirely hostile to Trump, posted fake polls showing him 5 points behind, and never, not once tried to promote him. Shepard is just another never trumper.
80 posted on 04/26/2017 11:21:16 AM PDT by Sam Gamgee
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To: OneVike

To whom?

85 posted on 04/26/2017 3:58:33 PM PDT by steve8714 (My wife calls me Dr. Smartacus. This makes me happy.)
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To: OneVike

The author is an obvious libtard, no matter what his faux “conservative” credentials might be. Juan Williams a “centrist liberal”??? Ridiculous.

86 posted on 04/26/2017 4:02:06 PM PDT by Enchante (Libtards are enemies of true civilization!)
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