I cannot stand O’Really, but the hatchet job done to him can be done to anyone. Beautiful women dress in tight dresses showing their boobs and legs and if a man dare notices he is a sexist and needs to be fired.
You watch them go after the next one with the advertising boycott the same way. They tried it with Rush and Trump and they now got a head and will go after more.
Never be alone with a women or your job is in jeopardy.
I agree with you Bray.
At first the concept was that women don’t have to dress dumpy or be ugly in order to be respected pundits.
But seriously, they went overboard.
The way some of those women dress on Fox cable is just X-rated.
But I’m not convinced this gives a man the right to be making passes, however that is defined.
Asking for a date is one thing. Putting hands down blouses is not acceptable, no matter how low cut it s.
They should just fire all the men.