Kim is finally realizing he has no BFFs.
I don’t think he is “stunned” by anything, except perhaps a MOAB
From what I read this was the third train of equipment from over the Easter weekend.
The hapless, hopeless Madame Albright would still show up if only for a toast, a trot and a little Un-winding after hours.
It is not in China’s, Russia’s, the USA’s, or South Korea to let this turd blow up the world.
I am thinking he is about to “invite” Russia and China in to “stabilize” his country, then go on a sabbatical in a ditch.
I'm thinking Russia isn't about to take on China, Japan and Trump over a worthless little punk like Kimmy and his backward county -
And we may see a'deal'on Syria, where we guarantee Putin his base on the Mediterranean in trade for outing Assad?
The "Art of the Deal" -