One, I am in complete agreement with the writer. Two, I would have been furious, but would not have escalated the situation where folks had to force me to leave. Three, when you book a “risky” ticket, you run the risks. Airlines have different prices for different tickets and not all tickets are the same. Nothing new here. One fliers ignorance and bad manners is zero concern of mine. If he was holding up the flight by acting like a jackass, I would have helped carry him off the plane.
No, the supersaver ticket did not have a different contract of carriage, it was just bought at a different time when the free market price allowed the passenger to save money. Likely limitations on cancelling the ticket or changing the reservation, but reservation for space was not disadvantaged, and once he was boarded United could only remove him for violations of its Rule 21, not even argued by United.
No, the supersaver ticket did not have a different contract of carriage, it was just bought at a different time when the free market price allowed the passenger to save money. Likely limitations on cancelling the ticket or changing the reservation, but reservation for space was not disadvantaged, and once he was boarded United could only remove him for violations of its Rule 21, not even argued by United.