I spent long mos being demonized in every way imaginable. If I had a dollar for every nasty name I was called, I could buy an annuity.
Which brings me to how many times I saw Trump called, "a sleaze." Now that is a persuasive argument (it isn't). But considering the other things Trump was called (by Cruz supporters), 'sleaze,' was not really so bad.
Now you say you don't hate Trump. Your words say otherwise. When you are parroting Hillary's lines to minimize Trump's victories and successes, you undercut your claim not to hate him. If it walks like a duck...
As to the rest, mull this over for a while. ShareBlue is the Soros-funded online anti-Trump brigade; ShariaBlue is their nic:
Red alert: ShariaBlue caught posting fake rumors about Bannon/Kushner all over pro Trump channel. The goal is to alienate Trump's populist activist base.
Thanks for bringing out that information about ShareBlue. I did not know that.
I knew the Soros/Hillary/Obama axis has attempted not only astroturf, but demoralization campaigns, but didn’t know ShareBlue was part of it.