Her wedding ring gives Kim K’s a run for the money! My fav, emerald cut diamond!
Her wedding ring gives Kim Ks a run for the money! My fav, emerald cut diamond!
The President could buy the Kardashian Franchise, it’s fat assets in Mrs. KK, the wedding ring, all Mr. KK’s, thugocracy, his hangers-on,. his rings, chains, gold teeth, the cars, and the gang symbols in a short sale and The President would still have’nt broken a sweat in the deal.
It is a nice ring. If I had more money than I knew what do do with, I would get a ring like that for my spouse, if that was her desire.
My preference is smaller diamonds on a beautifully designed ring. This looks like little more than a rock on a band to me.
I may be in the minority on that.