“Your history of Protestantism is very hobbled, stunted and incomplete.”
I only presented one aspect - Luther is the father of Protestantism. I made no attempt to present a complete history and there is no Protestant history BEFORE Luther.
“You’re in no position to speak authoritatively regarding Protestantism.”
Luther was the father of Protestantism. No one has to be in any particular position to know that or say it.
“Just because the Roman Catholic Church succeeded in killing off or driving underground others of Protestant belief does not erase their existence from history,”
There was NO PROTESTANT HISTORY before Luther. Just because a Protestant pretends there is a history of Protestantism before Luther doesn’t make it so.
“much as The Catholic Encyclopedia and apologists such as yourself may try. The Hussites, the Waldenses, it goes back hundreds of years prior to Luther and even then you ignore England and contemporaries to Luther.”
Neither the Hussites nor the Waldensians were Protestants. The fact that there were multiple heretical groups before the heresy of Protestantism doesn’t make Protestantism less heretical and it doesn’t make previous heretics Protestants.
“I’d say try again, but it’ll be more of the same, very predictable.”
The truth is fairly predictable. There were no Protestants before Luther. Protestants have to pretend there were or else their sects are instantly understood to be modern inventions - which is what they are.
Oh look, here’s our dear vlad again donning the mantle of Defender Of The Faith and pretending to know all things Protestant as well!
Quelle Surprise!