Announcement today that The English have a single blood test that will not only tell you if you have cancer but the location.
Also from the English last week they seem to have an Alzheimer's cure. Uses Ultra Sound to dissolve the amyloid deposits that have been blamed for the problem.
Make HealthCare a free enterprise business and watch the cost come down.
Back Surgery is an expensive and dangerous prospect but Laser Spine Institute does bandaid surgery for a mere $40,000 to $1000,000 in a fifteen minute procedure that could be taught to any kid with good reflexes. Dental work is not so much medical as mechanical, in fact barbers used to do the dental and surgical work.
Not to mention they seem to have a youth pill that encourages DNA to rebuild returning to youthful cell structure, at least in mice and human trials should begin in six months.
Bring Back Free Enterprise. Screw Government Healthcare.
But with socialized medicine where is the profit for these companies?
I would figure it would be the other way around.
The Alzheimer thing is great but I read a study that showed some people with pretty bad plaque and amaloid deposits after they died and they were fine while alive.
Could just be the exceptions to the rule.
Like with smoking.
As far the DNA pill, who wouldn’t want to get that for their parents?!?!?! ALL OF US WOULD.
There’s a fortune there because i would buy it for my 84 year old mother even if it wasn’t covered by health insurance.
But i assume she’ll be about 91 if/when it gets approved here.
And I wonder if the govt would frown on and try to crush such a pill.