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To: SeekAndFind

I don’t think this would be nearly as bad a deal as some are making it out to be.

If we get Gorsuch we would have 4 conservatives, 4 libs and one wobbler. The oldest justices are either lib or the wobbler.

The odds are with us that we would be in a better position after the next vacancy, even if the Dems filibustered a conservative appointment. The worst we can do is 4-4 and just leave the vacancy open until after the mid-terms. And with the mid-terms we can probably replace a few D senators. Not only might this make a filibuster impossible, we only need one pickup to go nuclear if there is a vacancy even if the Dems get 3 to agree on non-nuke.

Or, we could hold the Dems feet to the fire and get agreement on a list of acceptable nominees, maybe even a few from DJT’s list. They are not in a position to demand flaming liberals. This would bind the Dems, but not DJT. If he thought the situation was right, he could nominate anyone he chose, but if
he nominated anyone on the “pre-approved” list he would be guaranteed an appointment.

The alternative is the nuclear option now. Anyone want to bet all the libs on the court last 8 years?

64 posted on 03/23/2017 11:13:08 AM PDT by CurlyDave
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To: CurlyDave
>> If we get Gorsuch we would have 4 conservatives, 4 libs and one wobbler. The oldest justices are either lib or the wobbler. <<

That's assuming Gorsuch turns out to be a conservative. I think he will be another Sandra Day O'Connor. The result of that would be 3 conservatives (one of which turned traitor on Obamacare), 2 wobblers (Kennedy, Gorsuch) and 4 radical socialists.

90 posted on 03/24/2017 7:36:19 PM PDT by BillyBoy (Impeach Obama? Yes We Can!)
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