If memory serves, at least four prior bills were passed by the GOP and sent to Obama. Why can't one of those be dusted off and presented to President Trump for signature?
Could it be that House Republicans didn't mean it in any of those previous bills?
So, the question remains. If a repeal bill could get through the Senate a year ago, why can’t you it now. That’s the question that needs to be asked.
Pass the repeal and then put a well crafted bill that returns coverage to those who have it, plus tort reform and across state line competition to lower costs. Dare the senate red state democrats up in 2018 to vote against it.
The bill Paul is supporting, is just that.
Sounds pretty darned good to me.
Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, what a waster of fresh air.
Dems did not attempt to filibuster those bills. Knew Obama would not sign. Pure Kabuki theatre
I would say there's a 100% chance of that. Obamacare helped them win elections--a lot of elections. Why give that up?
Read what I wrote above. It’s easy to pass crappy bills when you’re not in power and the Senate Minority knows the President is going to veto the bill. The realities are a lot different now
Ryancare fail? ping