I believe AARP does the same.
I pay for Medicare A+B. Pay separate for Medicare D (Rx) which this year I am getting through Humana. and then I pay separate for my supplemental with Premera Blue Cross. If you have the separate Medicare D you need to go to the Medicare website and put in the Rx's that you take and then it comes up with which company/plan may be the cheapest for the Rx's that you take. Last year it was Etna for me. Now this year Humana. It can change every year so if you don't check you may be paying more then you would need to.
I recently heard that Humana is pulling out of the Obamacare stuff.
Humanas biggest insurance baby as my husband calls it is..the Humana Medicare Advantage. I wish I knew more about the details but my neighbor before she died told me she was leaving a 19thousand dollar debt to her daughter because she made the mistake of going with AARP. Now, people have gripes about all insurances. I’m just relaying one instance. Her daughter is a nurse and I do know a lot of nurses are United healthcare fans. They were to make the most off of Obamacare. Not saying Humana didn’t give a lot to the Presidency of Obama.