One of my clients is Jewish and grew up in New Haven, has a PhD from prestigious east coast college, has very high IQ but no common sense or ability to communicate to anyone outside his circle. Had two kids. Girl went to Boston to college, got degree in art history, married a female. Son graduated from high school started a computer service company and wrote some software which he sold. Made enough first two years to buy and pay cash for a three bedroom condo, a sports car and put a chunk in savings. Continues to do very well. Father still says he won’t grow to his full potential because he has no college degree and has pretty much stopped communicating with him. Thinks his daughter contributes so much more.
Thinks his daughter contributes so much more.
there are fools...
Nutty and sad. (Even if my son were a loser — and this man’s son clearly is NOT one — I would never stop communicating with him.)