So you think Obamacare should have had this amendment already. Very telling. It’s amazing to me the number of people who claim to be conservative, and are anything but. You can’t withhold benefits based on someone’s race, therefore you cannot discriminate and withhold benefits based on DNA.
Basing your argument on car insurance is ridiculous. I worked in Hospice for years. I had to get a background check and I, not the company, was required to keep insurance. They did check my driving record. They don’t want people who have DUI’s working with patients, which is understandable, because drinking and driving is within my control. My DNA is not.
This also goes against HIPAA. I couldn’t leave nurse notes, or anything else with a pts name on it visible in my car. I kept it turned over/covered because someone can walk by and look into your car. If you accidentally fax that pt A takes laxatives to the wrong fax number you had to write up a report on yourself because you violated HIPAA. And you think employers knowing your DNA is ok? You don’t understand what your saying. I saw where someone else posted that there DNA was perfect. Laughable.
1. Do you think the government should have the power to force me to offer any benefits to my employees?
2. If you answer "Yes," then are YOU really a conservative?