We won’t go back to free market health care. We created an entitlement sadly. You cannot put that genie back in the bottle.
You have to fix it, call it what you want, else the insurance industry dies
You have to fix it, call it what you want, else the insurance industry dies.
We no longer have health insurance. It’s “coverage” now. If that industry died and took their blood sucking lobbyists with them nobody would shed a tear.
Nobody is screaming for free-market healthcare. What we want is Obamacare repealed completely, then down the road work to get health-care as much as free-market as possible.
Repealing Obamacare doesn't make health-care into a magical Adam Smith paradise. It'll merely go back to the same old semi-socialist status-quo.
If Republicans pass their version of health-care reform, it'll be called TrumpCare by the Dems in 2018 and they'll use it to take Republicans out. Republicans will be left to defend legislation that is basically Obamacare. They will own Obamacare hook, line, and sinker.
The problem seems to be that the Republicans just can’t help themselves. Why did they ever try to sneak in a gift to insurance company execs?
When the government collapses completely, we will go back to a free market. Until then, we will be stuck with Ryan care, so he can appease his handlers, in the insurance racket.
About 15yrs. out before we get cheap real health care. Just a guess on timing.
No, the insurance lobby won't get its way by fearmongering. If insurance companies can't compete in a free market, then other insurance companies will emerge who can.