What is a Shepard Smith?
These are very liberals who keep Chicago the murder capital of the free world; they love the squalor and decay - they refuse to go to a public venue repaired undercost and faster than projected as a gift to their very city, simply because Capitalism works.
Schlepper Sniff!
You’ve sucked for decades.
F-U and the horse you rode in on.
Sheep and Maria Hart are Liberal Red Meat for leftist viewers - take it with a grain of salt for once in while those enemy viewers are subjected to well reasoned opposition to their viewpoints.
Pretty boy was hired for his pretty face.
I’ll never forget how excited this jerk was on TV when Obama was first elected.
Good. Let him go. I’m sure he’ll be as popular as what’s her name is now.
Check your panties, Shep.
I’ve always wondered why he was on FOX News. Now if Geraldo Rivera would leave as well...
Except for the part about Podesta and the DNC being hacked, every word is a lie, and Smith has absolutely no proof of it, and to state in so categorically is worthy of getting fired for.
And Shep, how many times has Assange said the Wikileak reveals didn't come from Russian hackers? Yet there you are, basking in the lies of your Leftist cohorts--damn the truth, full speed ahead.
Remember Shepard is the unbalanced in the Fair and Balanced
CNN, the home of fake news is just the right place for Smith.
I really don’t understand why what Pres Trump said hasn’t sunk into the brains of the press people.
“Russia is a ruse” “The leaks are real” “The stories are fake.” Press critters need to set their race to the bottom of heterophobic racism aside and realize they’re still being played - and falling for the propaganda fake stories hook line and sinker.
Two down... two to go...
Juan Williams...
Charles Krauthammer...
“Your opposition was hacked, and the Russians were responsible for it, and your people were on the phone with Russia on the same day it was happening, and we’re fools for asking the questions?”
Prima facie Fake News.