Fake news but many Americans ARE asses. I was out tonight and couldn’t stand the number of mostly white women hating on Trump.
It was at a function on Staten Island but that doesn’t mean they were from Staten Island.
It went for Trump 57 percent, which is actually low here for a president.
But what they were saying was mutinous and nauseating.
I think this #### is crazy because I would assume MANY military leaders have been replaced already.
And I bet the soldiers love the new guy. I dont know any soldiers to ask though.
If a coup did somehow happen, I already know where to go and meet up with Militia.
Only been the range a handful of times but we’ll need all the help we can get.
Of course I think the possibility is absurd.
I tend to believe that the VAST majority of the military are pleased as punch with President Trump being elected; I have loads of friends and family serving in various capacities and so far it’s unanimous.
Come to western NY, women don’t think like that here.
NYC needs to be cut loose from the rest of us.