Posted on 01/15/2017 4:44:01 AM PST by Alas Babylon!
p>The Talk Shows
Jan 15th, 2017
Guests to be interviewed today on major television talk shows:
FOX NEWS SUNDAY (Fox Network): Vice President-elect Mike Pence; CIA Director John Brennan.
MEET THE PRESS (NBC): Reince Priebus, incoming chief of staff to President-elect Donald Trump; Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif.; Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga.
FACE THE NATION (CBS): Pence; Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.; former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
THIS WEEK (ABC): Preibus; Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.; Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah.
STATE OF THE UNION (CNN): Denis McDonough, chief of staff to President Barack Obama; Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.
I think that it’s all being orchestrated by Hillary herself.
Caveats, a couple....first this includes Obama because we all know Valjar and Huma are running those shows. Second I totally agree with your assessment, after Trump is president this will all dry up and blow away like a dead leaf in autumn.
Got an important question for yon readers but let me expand on my Hillary thesis.
First, where the hell is she? I know she showed up in the woods a few weeks back but that was part of the plan; show the world that Hillary has moved on.
Then she assumed her seat behind the big talking head ala Wizard of Oz.
She promised Booker a couple hundred thou for his run for NJ Governor. God knows what she agreed to for that ugly Lewis guy....probably been slipping him millions right along.
She got a bunch of them to agree to torment Comey and somehow got somewhat moderate Feinstein to defend all this.
Now here’s my question to yon readers. and know that I am perfectly serious although once upon a time I never would have thought such a thing.
Given how Obama has shown no shame at all in implementing any last minute things he possibly could...something I thought I’d never see in my day....just suppose that the oft-repeated speculation of taking over the country by martial law were to happen?
Okay, ending run-on sentence.
I mean a month ago I’d scoff at the notion, that this is America, such things do not happen. Of course recent actions by Obama, especially the Israel thing, make me consider.
So however it happens and for sure we’d have to get Hillary behind the curtain to help, but somehow some big thing is faked and a very vague need for martial law is determined a need. Obama implements martial law and the inauguration does not happen.
What would you do?
“You” being a generic, you specifically, you as a country...even me.
Because while us deplorables are sane and rational people, surely there is a line not to cross.
Would this be that line?
And if you don’t want to hear my story about childhood Nancy Pelosi how about the time I had dinner with Ric Flair?
Some of you guys should know him.
Why are you all yelling at John Brennen not mentioning this uranium deal?
I know I’m preaching to the choir but it is yet another example of how we unconsciously excuse these clowns when they don’t their jobs.
First time in a long time that I didn’t watch a second of Sunday news talking heads. Seems like a wise decision - FR was more than adequate and thoroughly entertaining, as usual.
I’ll be paying more attention to what comes from Pieczenik. Ominous stuff.
Soon these top level bureaucrats will be gone and Trump can put his own people in position. The problem remains that the vast majority of the DC federal bureaucracy is Dem and will be doing what they can to undermine the Trump presidency.
Here on the West Coast, DiFi just came on.
Defending Lewis, ... I think she said she came from the largest state.
Can’t be sure, but how would Texas take that.
It will be a glorious day as the yoke of the Obama administration is lifted off the necks of the American people. Obama hates America and that will become more evident when he returns to being a private citizen. He is going to be the most divisive former President ever. He will return to his community organizer and communist roots. I hope that some dirt emerges on him to demolish his standing.
Obama used the Jefferson Bible.
Keith Ellison used the Jefferson Koran
It was an attempt to link the 2
Jefferson was a Christian, but he owned a Koran to study the Barbary pirates
You are correct. The career bureaucrats, and I was one, have become more and more politicized. They are the natural constituents of the Party of Big Government and view the Party of Limited Government as a personal threat. Change will be difficult to implement in four or even eight years.
Playing these cards over and over may raise some funding for the Dem. Party. They simply do not know what else to say or do. They lost the election because they have no new ideas.
I enjoyed Brennan the mooselimb recite his laundry list of all the World’s hotspots awaiting Trump
Makes me wonder how Barry set his priorities during his final 2 months in power
Makes me wonder why 0bama spent all that time playing golf and patting himself on the back.
Then again, maybe we are in a better place when the Slacker in Chief ignores his responsibilities
It’s all part of the Media reporting on what “other, not named” media are reporting. They have no interest in the truth, no interest in facts.
They need to repeat a narrative, aka propaganda.
Thus, they spawn a bunch of tier two media outlets and do not reveal said tier two outlets are actually part of the, in this case, NBC mothership
Ayotte was defeated simply because she was the third leg of retarded RINO stool. Marco chose Poorly.
Yeah really we need to stop playing defense and get on the offesne ASAP.
Exactly its all about offense and they know if we start in on them they are so guilty in so many ways it will never end.THe msm won’t cover any of it but Trump can tweet whatever happens. And then there is the blogosphere we can and will hold this clowns accountable.
Great post,if they take over the web its over,we can prevent that from happening.
We used to say in the military, “You always fight the last war.”
Meaning, at first, your tactics in any new conflict will be similar to the last tactics you successfully won with. That is, UNTIL someone finds a new way and kicks your a$$.
So you learn NEW tactics. You MUST learn. If you do not, you get conquered. And then, that’s it. That’s what happened to France in 1940. Think of it! The French had TWICE as many main battle tanks as the Germans, but used the old tactics of deploying tanks to support infantry, not the new German way, which was the opposite.
Frankly, we should have seen the writing on the wall in 2008.
Bush did a lot, but didn’t fight back. He let the democrats and drivebys portray his defense of the country after 9/11 as stupid, revengeful and full of lies about weapons of mass destruction and greed for oil. None of that was true, but he let them repeat the lies so often, without rebuttal, it stuck in peoples’ heads.
And honestly, we had to learn from taking out Saddam Hussein. Sometimes the evil dictator is better than the evils which follow, unless you are as cruel to your enemies as he was.
The “Magic Negro” effect, not started by Rush Limbaugh, to rebut any racist accusations, but rather from a fellow black writer at the Los Angeles Times, proved very hard to win against. Most Americans are kind-hearted people, are shameful of our sometimes racist past (which, from a non-cotemporary point of view, was no worse than any other place at that time) and wanting something new, since the image of Bush had been trounced into the mud, voted for a empty suit on a well-spoken black man.
And we chose McCain? What the F where we thinking!? Even with the refreshing Sarah Palin, we lost. It wasn’t even close.
We repeated ourselves with Romney. Stupid.
My prediction—the next election, the democrats will repeat themselves, and try to fight the War of 2016 all over again... And lose.
We need to have new strategies in waiting for 2024 and beyond.
Moving on up! Barrack finally got us a piece ob da pie!
Rick Wilson is the puppeteer with his hand up the back of Marco Rubio.
Rick Wilson was the 4chan dupe.
The 4chan progenitor is also not just random dude.
He merely told 4chan how he'd duped Wilson.
Foam Boy had the most to gain if true; the most to lose if not.
But they got gomered. Again. Foam Boy has no intellectual center. Total lightweight.
Uh, by Wednesday morning, Bobo's unacceptable pardon list and #disruptj20 making bad optix for the Left will do all that without anyone else lifting a finger. Thursday comes the wave of counter-manding President Trump Executive Orders eviscerating Bobo's 'legacy'.
The Left is about to have a very bad week.
They took an oath (I've taken the Enlistment Oath FIVE times!) to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic....
The election and vote, the Electoral College vote, the recognition of the Electoral College results in the House of Representatives and the subsequent accreditation of Trump, means, that constitutionally, he is the next President. Obama cannot server beyond Friday noon time.
Too many cowards would get a bullet in the brain. They wouldn't dare, and they would probably cringe at the thought and wet themselves at the same time, while secretly, like Walter Mitty, wish they could do it.
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