I am not sure if I should be aggravated that anyone this stupid could be elected to congress or flabbergasted that the rats put her back in charge (again).
She is something else........
If the dumbocraps wrote a history book and left out their lies, the book would be empty.
As Reagan demonstrated: Marxists/Leninists respect only one thing and need to be dealt with only one way. They must be wiped out.
I wonder if they care no one believes them.
The President doesn’t control the budget, Congress does. And Congress has had NO spine of late.
With tools like this woman, it’s a wonder we have a nation left at all! If Congress doesn’t even know the Constitutional blueprint, then they aren’t fit to be there. Period. She obviously doesn’t belong there, and whomever voted for her has to be ignorant.
Oh, shut up.
You belong in prison for falsifying 0thugga’s eligibility to run for President.
House sets the budget. She was the leader of the House for that budget !
Sheeple: Things are bad. You’ve made things worse than they were! Fail!
Liberal: As bad as it is, things are not as bad as they would have been if we hadn’t done everything we did, and it’s Bush’s fault we were hamstrung! We meant well! We really needed to double down and explain what we did better!
Give us the reins again and we’ll try to make things even more less bad, believe me.
Oh, by the way, you’re a racist!
What color is the sky in rat world?
I hope she’s at home in Kalifornia when it slides off into the Pacific.......;)
We may facepalm every time Nancy Pelosi speaks, but she’s a walking billboard for the mental disorder of liberalism.
I’m really glad the House Dems kept her as their leader.
This is the same dipshiite that claimed unemployment was good for the economy because people got unemployment insurance and it helped keep the economy moving.
As usual the LIBs get part of it slanted correctly because yes the Unemployment money does get put back into the economy BUT they neglect to mention that the money that is getting put back in was paid for by US
I would sure like to see Trump start investigations how pols mates have benefited over the years because of insider info + straight out bribes and threats.
It will definitely take a NON POL, successful person AND his cabinet is full of people who don’t need to run around with their hand out to fatten their own pockets.
I am sure glad the MSM ran with Trumps ‘quotes’ etc saying he felt bad that people actually thought he was ‘dumb’ enough to ‘perform’ in a Moscow hotel, knowing that the rooms are most certainly bugged and on tape.
Look the debt is now 20 trillion.
20 trillion. Half of that, was just during the Obama years.
Obama has been a disaster for America.
Trump has come to office, just in the nick of time.
Oh yeah, Obama is a fiscal hawk. Oh yes he is.
It is higher. Probably in excess of $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities.
Nazi Peloser...quite a piece of work...
The geriatric Valley Girl speaks again. The real question is whether Pelosi has ever said anything remotely intelligent in her entire life.
Real numbers here.
It’s ugly.
I suppose if they keep repeating the lie someone will believe it.