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Obama dumps registry for some immigrant men, mostly Muslims ^
| 12/22/16
| ap
Posted on 12/22/2016 8:51:34 AM PST by ColdOne
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Obama administration said Thursday it is officially scrapping a post-9/11 requirement for immigrant men from predominantly Muslim countries to register with the federal government. The U.S. hasn't been using the program since 2011, but a top immigration adviser to President-elect Donald Trump has spoken of renewing it.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Front Page News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: aliens; immigration; muslims; nseers; obama; trump; trumptransition
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To: Mad_as_heck
Too simple... could it have anything to do with ‘losing track’ of the refugee influx he’ll be accelerating his last few days in office? Haven’t heard anything of that deal with the Aussies of late.
To: leakinInTheBlueSea
Absolutely, he is doing everything he can to flood the country with monsters.
His entire life has been dedicated to doing as much harm to this country and its people as possible. A saboteur and a troll. The next couple of weeks are going to be nerve wracking.
posted on
12/22/2016 10:35:09 AM PST
(The MSM - America's (domestic) public enemy #1.)
To: mandaladon
posted on
12/22/2016 10:50:59 AM PST
(From the CDC site, "We don't know how people are infected with Ebola")
To: bgill
The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. In a way this is right. The future should be " What is Islam and why would I bother slandering this so called prophet guy?"
posted on
12/22/2016 12:20:22 PM PST
(If liberals are not screaming you are doing it wrong!)
To: ColdOne
What would Bill Ayers do?
posted on
12/22/2016 3:02:46 PM PST
(Hillary - the first female to lose TWO presidential elections!)
To: ColdOne; Nachum
I’d bet the national debt that the DNC kept a copy for their “get out the vote” efforts.
posted on
12/22/2016 4:32:16 PM PST
a fool in paradise
(The COM-Left is saddened by the death of the Communist dictator Fidel Castro. No surprise there.)
To: arl295
Obama probably ordered that it be “bleach-bitten”.
posted on
12/22/2016 4:32:57 PM PST
a fool in paradise
(The COM-Left is saddened by the death of the Communist dictator Fidel Castro. No surprise there.)
To: wiseprince
Are they going to scrub the data? Thats a serious violation of logic if so. And a violation of FOIA and document retention laws.
posted on
12/22/2016 4:33:47 PM PST
a fool in paradise
(The COM-Left is saddened by the death of the Communist dictator Fidel Castro. No surprise there.)
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