“But, unless there ARE abortions, were all on the hook for these b@stard children for the entirety of THEIR natural lives...and only RARELY do we get one that ends up being a productive member of Society, versus being a drag on Society.”
No matter. Every baby has a right not to be killed.
Oh, I always opt for LIFE. But, has anyone crunched the numbers? Just what DO all of these extra, unproductive kids cost We The People, since Mother Government is ready, willing and able (on our dime) to pick up their expenses?
Is it cheaper in the long run to fund abortions through PP, or to take care of these offspring from birth to death (as Mother Government seems to prefer) up to and including their prison time? Who BENEFITS from that other than states with HUGE Federally funded Prisons?
Like, Um...Wisconsin?
Would tax dollars be better spent on advocating for adoption (I NEVER see that, anywhere!), or permanent sterilization if you’re generationally stuck in the welfare cycle? (Another preference of mine, actually.)
I don’t know. Who does? Do you? I mean, the easy way is to advocate for life, but that ‘life’ costs a lot of dollars when that ‘life’ has no nuclear family, community or church to support it. Add to that, the lack of SHAME that goes with any of this. Having a pack of kids with different ‘fathers’ isn’t anything that’s looked down upon.
Thanks, Democrats!
Again, I don’t have any definitive answers. We have this conversation at home All. The. Time. Our town can hardly deal with the unwanted PETS dropped off at the Humane Society (which we both volunteer and donate to).
Puppy and Kitty Lives Matter! Babies? Seems that Society, as a whole, declines to tackle THAT one.
I’m with you there but putting moral concerns aside the problem is that for every illegitimate child aborted there are 2-4 more that aren’t because their incubator (I refuse to call them mothers) either wanted the extra welfare for the kid or couldn’t be bothered or found out late in her pregnancy. Trying to close the barn door when the horse is running to it at top speed doesn’t work.
Actively requiring contraception for those on public or private benefits (preferably the implanted kinds) would do far more to solve this problem than legal abortions and it wouldn’t require playing Jack the Ripper with innocent babies.