To: catnipman
So how many Muslims “work” in the DHS?
35 posted on
12/15/2016 11:16:39 AM PST by
(Freedom isn't free)
To: hoosierham
I’m pretty sure it’s russians inside of DHS doing the hacking, not Muslims, AND I think that Obama, Hillary and anyone else who matters would agree with me about that ...
38 posted on
12/15/2016 11:28:42 AM PST by
(Cat Nipman: Vote Republican in 2012 and only be called racist one more time!)
To: hoosierham
"So how many Muslims work in the DHS?"
44 posted on
12/15/2016 11:47:45 AM PST by
Grampa Dave
(It's way past time to drain the 'not so intelligent' swamp... President Trump Disband the CIA!!!)
To: hoosierham
Too many.
Also, based on the sampling of people I know who work there, they are all idiots. Perhaps they choose to hire idiots so that those at the top have free rein to subvert our freedom without any pesky questions from the minions beneath them.
64 posted on
12/15/2016 6:52:45 PM PST by
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