Here I am, a Jew and a person who likes to visit Israel (I even had thoughts about moving there if Hillary had won.) and I've been rooting for Assad. Obama hates Assad, and there's something to that adage that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
From all I can tell, this Assad has never engaged in hostile action against Israel. When I heard about the reported recent Israel airstrike near Damascus, I just assumed it was in support of Assad and Putin. I view this apparent statement by Assad as a way to try to unify the country, and otherwise full of sound and fury signifying nothing.
Obama doesn’t hate Assad. He never would have stepped back from what’s going on in Syria if he really did.
Assad wants the Golan for himself and has said so many times. What he doesn’t want is the entity that used to be called Al-Qa’eda in Iraq to have it instead of him.
Finally another FReeper on this thread who sees things clearly.
BTW, as for Assad’s forces being aggressive in the Golan, there is this.