To put this in perspective, let's compare all the GDP components together:
1929 ------------------->1930
GDP $103.6 billion----------->$56.4 billion ( -$47.2 billion)
Consum. Expend $77.4 bil---->$45.9 billion ( -$31.5 bill)
Private Invest $16.5 bil----> $1.7 billion ( -$14.8 billion)
Trade Balance +$0.3 bil---->+$0.1 billion ( -$0.2 billion)
Exports $5.9 billion--------> $2.0 billion ( -$3.9 billion)
Imports $5.6 billion--------> $1.9 billion ( -$3.7 billion)
Again, at the risk of being repetitious, how much difference to US GDP did the export loss make? The Trade Balance worsened by only -$0.2 billion, or about -0.19% of our 1929 GDP, or less than 1/5th of 1% of 1929 GDP. Meanwhile, our total GDP wnt down a whopping -46%.
I want to jump in here and ask you...... is Carrier paying 35% tariff on any thing being imported from Mexico?
Some how the notion of tariff appears to have been sidetracked by men that know business actually doing business. Too bad for the Etrogs
As a high tariff advocate, how high do you want this to be in percentage? Do you want it on everything coming in to the USA or just somethings?