Why is “marriage equality” considered to be law of the land when one judge in one state declares it so, but “concealed carry” NOT considered law of the land under the same conditions?
Wow... I’ve always wondered what Harvey Milk’s nephew’s opinion was on this. Now I can sleep.
“marriage equality” - what a lie. they have redefined words.
Of course, he couldn’t care less that obamacare premiums are killing folks or that people are losing their jobs all over the place...
Really this is such a non-issue. No one cares
The only thing vulnerable is a lull in the ‘gay’ concocted hoax crimes.
Fed up of hearing marriage equality, if they wanted equality they would want polygamy . This is about those who want to define marriage, and change the country’s laws, by the way of accepting their perversion.
Gee.......I certainly hope so!!!
No more fantasy homosexual "marriage".
The Defense of Marriage Act WILL be defended, the next time at bat.
It's true that the Left has perpetrated a cultural coup by flooding the country with pro "gay marriage" propaganda. But the polls showing majority support are probably inaccurate.
I think it's the Brexit-effect again. I.e., people are afraid to tell pollsters their true feelings about "gay marriage," feelings that have a lot more depth and complexity than the Left wants to admit.
Most Americans are genuinely tolerant; but they resent being forced to change the very meaning of a tradition like marriage, on the whim of a strident Leftist minority.
Quit trying to cheer me up.
“Marriage equality?” You mean state-approved perversion? Yeah, I would hope it’s “vulnerable.” In fact, I’m hoping it’s crapping in its diaper. It’s an insanity that never should have been permitted to begin with.
“Fake” marriage.
“Marriage equality” is every bit as Orwellian as the lefties other favorite meme “gun safety”.