-——And soon Mexico will suffer as the heroine and cocaine crossing our Southern border will come to a dead halt.-——
I wish that was true...a wall isn’t going to stop the cartels from finding ways to get drugs into our country....via the international crossings...
It sure will help....to a degree
The wall will stop a lot of illegal immigration...which is a small part of the drug problem...
wish that was true...a wall isnt going to stop the cartels from finding ways to get drugs into our country....via the international crossings...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Agreed, a military solution is required. Short, rapid, and unstoppable. In and back out.
Its justifiable under international law.
Nothing else will work.
“-And soon Mexico will suffer as the heroine and cocaine crossing our Southern border will come to a dead halt.-
I wish that was true...a wall isnt going to stop the cartels from finding ways to get drugs into our country....via the international crossings...
It sure will help....to a degree”
Let’s be clear...
NOTHING, not even a huge wall, is going to stop the Drug Trade. The demand will always be there.
What it will do is dry up SUPPLY by making it much harder to get into America without being detected, driving the prices so high that only the richest liberal idiots will be able to afford it.
The insane low price of heroin is what is driving the drug trade right now. Drive that price up a thousand times, and most people will find other things to do with their time.