She has zero Indian in her. Korean.
Of course, Indians are Asians who made the trip early, so it makes sense. I have a buddy who is 100% Apache and when in China people speak to him in Chinese.
Well, I should think so! THEY DON'T SPEAK APACHE!...........
Reminds me of a joke that Jackie Mason tells:
A Jewish businessman was in Beijing on the Sabbath.
He asked the concierge at the hotel if there was a synagogue nearby.
“Why, yes there is!” he said, “It’s just down the street about three blocks.”
So the businessman went down the street and found it just as he said.
He opened the door and to his surprise it was full of Chinese people!
A Chinese man came up to him and asked what he was there for.
He said, “I’m Jewish and I’m here for the Sabbath service.”
The Chinese man looked at him, up and down, and said, “Funny, you don’t look Jewish!”........................