I’m interested in your take on this. How would you define “conservative” in the context of national transportation infrastructure and policy?
Trump is going to do another stimulus of around the same size as Obama’s. He has been pretty open about this, and it’s one of the main reasons the NeverTrumpers I know cite for not supporting him.
If the job of Transportation Secretary is that of handing out pork, I can see how Mr. and Mrs. McConnell would be all over it.
I do think Trump will spend the money far more effectively than Obama. He will solidify his support amongst blue-collar union types.
But it’s not textbook Conservatism.
We do need to rebuild. A trillion is a LOT of money, however, and selling it as economic stimulus is decidedly not conservative (or economically sound.)
If they can figure a way to get that trillion out of other parts of the Federal budget, then I think we should all be fine with the infrastructure spending.