Healthy people only buy insurance when they get sick.
Why not allow folks to just buy catastrophic protection?
People shouldn’t be required to have health insurance when they don’t need it.
Donald Trump has already said he will handle this with High Risk Pools as in the past.
The free market “pre-ex” provision is called High Risk Pools. Let’s hope he puts them back in every state.
If Obamacare isn’t cancelled everyone will be paying $240,000 soon.
Looks like the WaPo folks are the ones that do not understand insurance. The risk is spread in much larger pools so that the premium is not nearly as high.
This article is so stupid. Republicans have had policy wonks working on this for five years. Pre-existing conditions are not a surprise to them.
That’s the situation in which states typically set up high risk (and government-subsidized) pools—such as for auto insurance.
Health insurance isn’t true “insurance”, and hasn’t been for 50 years.
This aspect of Obamacare illustrates the evil genius/insanity of the Democrat M.O., offer something that could never be delivered, except in a short term kamikaze program like the ACA, and then blame the opposition (Republicans) for taking it away from all the squealing children voters.
It all leads the same place, collapse of the health insurance business, and the inevitable imposition of a titanic and un-affordable entitlement single payer plan nightmare. Get real, and get smart. This can NEVER work, long term, or in any honest way.
I want everyone else to pay for my child’s brain tumor. Why should I pay for it?
The Washington CrapPost faced the ‘rude awakening’ and they can suck it.
How condescending like a typical elitist jerk. Everybody knew Obamacare was a piece of garbage. Now that adults are in charge, maybe we can begin to solve the issue with people who know the business, not liberal buffoon Democrats. I'll take Ben Carson's assessment over this putz.
just get the damned obamacare repealed. then work on any replacement.
They’ve had state pools long before obamacare. The compost is ignorant.
“Insurance” is (or used to be) a voluntary form of socialism that spread the risk of severe loss across a large group of people, using actuarial calculations to determine the profitable rate for that large group or “pool.”
Certain behaviors or existing conditions kicked individuals into a “high risk pool” with a different set of actuarial calculations to determine the profitable rate.
That is still the case with auto insurance. Have a lot of speeding tickets or accidents? Got a really fast, expensive car? Insurance then costs more money. No one questions this.
That's about 1/3-1/2 of how the "immigrant" kids in my area look.
Sorry, I don't believe they can help us. I don't believe they can contribute.
They can whomp up all the whz-bang paperwork and financing they like but THIS is the body type we are importing.
Can't touch your toes?
pre existing conditions are covered in most republican plans
First of all, illegals should have to pay for health insurance just like everyone else, or go back home and get treated.
Start with no provisions for illegals and able bodied scum unwilling to work.