Who’s involved in and overseeing the FBI investigation? The same deputy director who’s wife got $800K from or via Terry McAuliffe?
What device? Please tell me we’re not talking about Weiner’s weiner again.
The bureau told Congress on Friday that it had uncovered new emails related to the Clinton case one federal official said they numbered in the THOUSANDS .... (emphasis mine)
Weiner Causes Election Dysfunction!
They’ll postpone it until after the election
This link is coming from the hot dog?
Now to look for some ‘buns’, toasted. And perhaps some ‘relish’
The faces seen if this should ever be heard on the MFM will be remembered for days to come and Kleenix Tissues will make a fortune in soft paper products.
I wonder if Huma and Weiner also had their own server. Could you imagine the emails going back and forth between Hillary and Huma
Oh the sweet irony of it!
Hillary provided a “beard” for Huma and then the beard tripped her and she stumbled into a jail cell. (Git’ her Trump!)
I won’t be satisfied until up-Chuck Todd asks Trump this Sunday if, after the election, he will pardon Hillary to “allow the country to heal”....
Trump: No, I will allow Attorney General Giuliani to prosecute her to the fullest extent of the law...that is the only way to heal this country...Todd.
Hannity whom I have ignored for ten years isn’t buy the Wiener scenario.
You know at the end of Caddyshack when Lou is watching the ball and everyone else is looking at the explosions?
Well, it’s Friday afternoon, before Halloween weekend.
Comey has done their bidding at least once already. The newsfeeds and airwaves are full of this latest revelation. I don’t trust them.
I’m going to try watching the ball and see what else gets deumped this Friday afternoon. Could be wrong, may not catch anything, I’m just sayin.
Why do I question the motives of the New York Times?
I love it! Wiener’s “device” got him into trouble!
I could make a really inappropriate joke right now, but I won’t. Anyway, is this connected to Huma?
Who knew that Huma’s Weiner could cause so much damage?
Reddit is going nuts (my son sends me The Donald stuff) about a 400 pound hacker named Kim Dotcom who finally convinced Trey Dowdy and Trump that the NSA had all of Hillary’s emails and that they could be legally obtained, i.e., without hacking, through a FOIA and that this is what made the FBI try to get out in front of it before congress and Trump get them.