The polls are false. They are the same ones who predicted Romney winning and Trump losing nearly every primary. There is a tidal wave coming and she does not have the blacks or unions in the numbers she needs.
FOX panel: Rove, Wahn, Kimberly Strossel (WSJ), Wood Bobward.
Rove says Trump’s “If I win” comment guaranteed media attention to “rigged elections”.
KS thinking Trumps election comments could be a mistake.
Walice talking about “Pay to Play” asking Woody about it (we don’t have time to wait for his slooooowwww...answer)
I think you are right. And i think its exposed by the Benenson report which is trying to "salvage" her candidacy.
You are right F.Chuck claiming its over but the counting of the votes,this a-hollll is in for a surprise.
F.Chuck claiming the House is in play as well as the Senate,when you are down a good offense is the best defense,may be all they have.
You can just sense the momentum in Trump’s favor, especially over the last few days. Something is really going on. I mean, on Trump’s facebook, the PA rally had over 2 million views. That’s crazy. People are siked about Trump!