Fully expect this little incident to be the HEADLINES in the days to come. How RUDE DJT stormed out after a question was asked by a Hitlery op. Back in the day when BO’B was running, a local reporter/anchor here asked a question to which the Magic Man refused to answer, and when the interview was ending gave the local man HELL for such an impertinent question. “Don’t you ever do this to me again” What a web these black widows weave both sides of the wall.
I know huh...ROFL...well how RUDE of Trump to act like a ‘human being with common sense’ instead of a ‘phony robot programed like the rest of the gutless sissies’...my, my, my...
I’ll take our ‘street fighter’ and our ‘say it like it is’ tall, handsome, rich candidate any day of the year and any year of the day...